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Accounting services

Our goal is to offer our clients a trustworthy, high-quality service. We keep up with the latest developments in the field of law and our wealth of experience helps us find the answer to any questions you have about accounting.

Accounting services

Our goal is to offer our clients a trustworthy, high-quality service. We keep up with the latest developments in the field of law and our wealth of experience helps us find the answer to any questions you have about accounting.

5 years ago
Tööpakkumine - RAAMATUPIDAJAKS, Tallinn, Täistööaeg, Liandre Raamatupidamisteenused OÜ

... See more

Meie hea klient, LIANDRE RAAMATUPIDAMISTEENUSED OÜ, otsib enda meeskonda uut spetsialisti, ametipositsioon on RAAMATUPIDAJAKS asukohaga TALLINN ja tööajaks on TÄISTÖÖAEG, konkursi tähtaeg on ... See more

5 years ago

Kas teadsid, et käesolevast suvest saab riigiasutustele saata ainult e-arveid? ..ja kas teadsid ka seda, et seda saab teha tasuta 🙂
Raamatupidamise seaduse muutmise seaduse §1, mis võeti vastu ... See more


5 years ago
Maksu- ja tolliameti infosüsteemide katkestus on lõppenud

Uus ja parem 🤔

Maksu- ja tolliameti (MTA) infosüsteemide katkestus on lõppenud ja sellega seoses uuenesid mitmed e-maksuameti/e-tolli (e-MTA) komponendid ning teenus...

5 years ago

• Tulumaksu kinnipidamise määr on 20%.
• Maksuvaba tulu summa sõltub isiku sissetulekust (kuus kuni 500 eurot ja aastas kuni 6000 eurot). Maksuvaba tulu rakendamiseks peab ... See more

6 years ago
Välisriigis tasutud käibemaksu tagastamine -

Kasutage võimalust välisriigist käibemaks tagasi küsida!

Välisriigis tasutud käibemaksu tagastamise taotlemine Juba alates 2010. aasta algusest muutus teistest liikmesriikidest käibemaksu tagastamise taotlemise kord. Muudatused põhinevad nn käibemaksu ... See more


Accounting services

Source documents and information will be exchanged either electronically or by post as agreed with the client. Clients are also welcome to bring them to our office or have us pick them up instead. By agreement, we can also provide an accounting service in your office.


Tax consulting

Legal tax consulting – we will solve your tax problems! You will be advised by our experienced tax consultant Madis Truber, who can help you on issues that concern tax laws as well as court actions.



We offer our clients a contemporary, high-quality auditing service based on our extensive knowledge of auditing, accounting, taxation and commercial law and experience with auditing companies from various fields.


Accounting services

Source documents and information will be exchanged either electronically or by post as agreed with the client. Clients are also welcome to bring them to our office or have us pick them up instead. By agreement, we can also provide an accounting service in your office.


Tax consulting

Legal tax consulting – we will solve your tax problems! You will be advised by our experienced tax consultant Madis Truber, who can help you on issues that concern tax laws as well as court actions.



We offer our clients a contemporary, high-quality auditing service based on our extensive knowledge of auditing, accounting, taxation and commercial law and experience with auditing companies from various fields.


We keep up to date with constantly changing laws and are able to find a solution to all of your accounting problems.


Our staff are highly educated and have years of experience.


We use HansaRaama, Standard Books, Directo, Microsoft Dynamics NAV and SAP accounting software.

Service all over Europe

We are not bound by geographic locations and can bring our services to you wherever necessary.


About us

Founded in 2004, Liandre Raamatupidamisteenused OÜ is a company that specialises in accounting services and financial consulting. We offer accounting services all over Estonia, for companies both small and large that require consolidation. We are not bound by geographic locations and can bring our services to you wherever necessary. We strive to achieve efficient, long-term partnerships.


About us

Founded in 2004, Liandre Raamatupidamisteenused OÜ is a company that specialises in accounting services and financial consulting. We offer accounting services all over Estonia, for companies both small and large that require consolidation. We are not bound by geographic locations and can bring our services to you wherever necessary. We strive to achieve efficient, long-term partnerships.

Liandre Raamatupidamisteenused OÜ

Our vision

Liandre’s accounting service includes everything from the reviewing and inputting of source data to the preparation of annual reports and is available in Estonian, Russian, Finnish and English. We use Standard Books, Directo, Mycrosoft Dynamics NAV and SAP accounting software.

Liandre Raamatupidamisteenused OÜ

Our vision

Liandre’s accounting service includes everything from the reviewing and inputting of source data to the preparation of annual reports and is available in Estonian, Russian, Finnish and English. We use Standard Books, Directo, Mycrosoft Dynamics NAV and SAP accounting software.

Price of accounting service

The accounting service consists of main services agreed on with the client and additional services
* The monthly fee depends on the work volume and generally starts from €100 in the case of persons liable to value added tax.
* We charge for an additional month for preparing an annual report (min. 100 euros).
* In the case of persons who are not liable to value added tax, we settle the accounts once a year depending on the volume of the work.
* You do not have to be a regular customer to order one-off services.
* We issue a separate invoice for services not included in our monthly fee. In this case, the hourly rate is generally €45.
* Prices do not include VAT, which will be added to your invoice.

Ask for a personalised quote


    Price of accounting service

    The accounting service consists of main services agreed on with the client and additional services.

    * The monthly fee depends on the work volume and generally starts from €100 in the case of persons liable to value added tax. * We charge for an additional month for preparing an annual report (min. 100 euros). * In the case of persons who are not liable to value added tax, we settle the accounts once a year depending on the volume of the work. * You do not have to be a regular customer to order one-off services. * We issue a separate invoice for services not included in our monthly fee. In this case, the hourly rate is generally €45. * Prices do not include VAT, which will be added to your invoice.

    Ask for a personalised quote


      Feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions

      Feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions