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Tax consulting

Legal tax consulting – we will solve your tax problems!


You will be advised by our experienced tax consultant Madis Truber, who can help you on issues that concern tax laws as well as court actions.


Feel free to contact us if you are in any of the following situations:


  1. The tax authority has approached you with a letter saying that you must submit documents and clarifications in order to determine the need for an audit. They have not issued an order or initiated tax proceedings. What should you do?


  1. The tax authority has asked you to provide explanations because a notice of assessment has been issued to your company and the tax authority may require a member of the board to pay tax arrears. What are the presumptions of liability? How should you communicate with the tax authority? How should you avoid potential liability?


  1. The tax authority has initiated a verification procedure with regard to your company, claiming that it has declared input VAT on the basis of invoices for transactions that have not actually been made. What should you say and which facts should you verify to the tax authority? How should you fulfil your obligation to comply?


  1. You have been asked to provide an explanation because the tax authority believes you have made a transaction that his harmful to your company (granting a loan, entering into a contract, etc.). What is the liability of a management board member based on? How should you defend yourself against the tax authority’s accusations?


  1. The tax authority informs you of their wish to conduct an observation in your establishment and demands that you provide them with documents. What is the observation procedure and what are your rights? How should you behave?


  1. You have learned that the tax authority has seized your real estate or motor vehicles. You have been issued with an injunction. What should you do? Is everything legal and justified?


  1. You are connected to companies that have (past) tax arrears. The tax authority suspects that you have repeatedly and intentionally avoided paying your debts. The tax authority has placed several of your companies, which have allegedly been abandoned while having tax debts, under observation. They suspect that you have knowingly and repeatedly failed to meet your tax obligations. With this you have violated the board member’s obligation to ensure that the financial obligations of the represented company are fulfilled and this wrongful conduct is the basis for the liability of a board member. What should you explain and which documents should you submit?


  1. You have received an order in which the tax authority demands explanations and documents because you have acquired a company with its tax liabilities. Which documents should you submit and how should you behave if the tax authority treats your business as a transferee of a company?


  1. The tax authority has removed your company from the register of persons liable to VAT because they have not managed to confirm its engagement in enterprise. What should you do in this situation?


A member of the management board has been asked to provide explanations to the tax authority with regard to tax debts and reasons for insolvency. The tax authority claims that the bankruptcy petition was not filed on time. How should you protect yourself? What kind of evidence should you submit? What should you take into consideration?


Ask for a personalised quote

Contact us and we will make you a personalised offer that corresponds to the needs of your company.